The 10 Best Natural Remedies to Protect Your Dog From Fleas

Natural flea control . With the arrival of summer it becomes necessary to protect our dogs from attack by parasites such as ticks and fleas. It 'good to resort to the use of remedies which can prove to be the most harmless to the animal , but at the same time effective.

For the most popular anti-fleas products can be replaced natural based products such as sprays or powders , but also flea shampoo made ??with the use of vegetable ingredients. You will also need to deal carefully with the cleanliness of the dog kennel and places of the house reserved to him , in order to avoid an excessive propagation of parasites. If you will need to take medicines , follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian and keep them out of reach of children.

The 10 best natural remedies to protect your dog from fleas
1 ) Local treatment

The vet will certainly recommend the localized treatment against fleas more harmless to your pet , but certainly effective, need to be applied to and in very small quantities . It is usually produced in drops that directly affect the life cycle of fleas and whose application amount is based on the size of the dog . And ' possible to inquire about the possibility of applying flea remedies based homeopathic or natural and without any side effect.

2 ) Monthly Pills

In the case of localized treatments are found to be sufficient , the veterinarian can advise you to give your dog pills on a monthly basis as a preventive measure or able to control the attacks by fleas. The administration of pills is particularly suited to owners of dogs with small children , because they will avoid them to come into contact with potentially toxic flea applied on the hair of the dog. It ' good to rely on drugs as much as possible free of side effects and make use of it only in cases of extreme necessity. A good solution is represented , for example, from the tablets made ??of garlic becomes efficiency even if only to stop the cycle of the larvae , but not for the fleas already mature.

3 ) Natural Flea Shampoo

There are flea shampoo on the market of all-natural , made from plant extracts and containing toxic substances such as aloe vera or lemon grass , can protect the dog from the attacks of fleas and to maintain its shiny and hydrated mantle hairy . Usually it is recommended to apply similar treatment every two weeks.

4 ) Natural Flea Collar

The flea collars for sale are commonly treated with substances which could be able to irritate the skin of the dog , going to cause itching phenomena that would be in addition to those already unfortunately caused by fleas. E ' possible to make a natural flea collar on applying a tourniquet or a handkerchief , which will later be rolled up on itself, 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil . Other essential oils are suitable for those of mint , cedar and lemongrass.

5 ) Natural flea powder

If using the common flea powders , you must take care to apply the product in quantities not excessive , taking care to protect the dog's eyes and mouth during the application . It ' good to know that there are on the market of natural flea powder odorless and harmless to the animal, which can be applied on his coat or in a kennel , in order to ward off fleas.

6) Natural Flea Spray

A similar argument applies to the common flea spray , which must be used with caution, especially in the presence of small children. And ' possible otherwise to rely on natural flea spray made ??from essential oils and do not contain harmful pesticides . They will first be applied on a cloth to pass on the dog's fur gently.

7) Cleaning the house

To prevent the spread of the presence of fleas that lurk preferably in damp, dark places , you need to perform a thorough cleaning of the house of the places frequented by the dog , the dog house and the car, in case there is usually transported . For all these places we recommend the use of a vacuum cleaner. Wash pillows and blankets often used by dog with soap and water sensitive natural and the same treatment to her toys , which can be wiped periodically with water and vinegar.

8) Flea Spray for environments

They are in business environments for flea spray to use to get rid of larvae and eggs that may be present in your home or in a kennel . The choice of products of this type should be done carefully, since some of them could be harmful to other small animals in the home , as well as the dog itself . In case of necessity . Our advice is to address the use of spray products based on natural ingredients.

9) Flea Trap do-it -yourself ago

A flea trap do- it-yourself can be achieved by putting in the vicinity of the places most affected by the presence of parasites a bowl containing water and soap. And ' advisable to expose the bowl outdoors in the sunlight . Fleas , attracted by the warmth and light , they will remain trapped . In the case of indoor environments , you can replace the light with a solar lamp head in the direction of the bowl.

10) Neem oil and vinegar

The neem oil can be purchased and used in herbal medicine to be applied in sheer drops on the dog's coat . The neem oil has antiseptic properties and avert the fleas because of its unpleasant odor. It is also used for the preparation of beauty treatments or applied to the skin to combat wrinkles . It may therefore also be used for different purposes once exhausted its usefulness against fleas . Even the white wine vinegar is used to ward off fleas and can be applied on the hair of the dog after being diluted with water and sprayed on a soft cloth.